As we all know, marriage was created to establish a certain social order, so that children who come into the world are protected and trained for a productive life. Seen from this point of view, there is no doubt that it is a reasonable invention; And yet, uniting two very different beings for life entails a deep emotional balance that not all of us possess. Let us remember that the two members of this system have a totally opposite view of life. While we women need a healthy dose of romance throughout our lives, men are less luxurious in that regard. The same goes for women's aesthetic attachment, and the importance we give to physical appearance in general. But, while these differences can be ironed out, there are others that are more complex and difficult to overcome.  Such as, for example, that, although today women work and contribute to the family economy, in general it is the man who makes the big decisions in the family. It is no wonder that, as the years go by, women begin to feel a quiet 

rebellion. It was the advent of feminism that began to crumble the solidity of patriarchal marriage; then the divorce rate skyrocketed. However, and despite everything, there is a way of living as a couple that helps lead to a long and stable marriage. It is about accepting the notion that both spouses are independent beings, and that their choices should be respected. Here I can include a personal example that is relevant: I hate cocktail parties because they are basically about changing guest every ten minutes and talking about superficialities throughout the night. If for some reason I must comply with this task too often, my marriage will start to fall apart. Let us remember that, despite love and desire, there is nothing more important to a human being than his or her freedom, and it is paramount that our spouse respects it.

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