Since I started reading books on Buddhism, I was attracted to the concept of karma because of the mystery it emanates. As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, karma has the following meaning:
“The force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence”.
In other words, the way we behave in our current life will determine what kind of life we will live in our next life, as well the number of lives we will need to live to attain Nirvana, Nirvana being the end of our spiritual journey. What happens after Nirvana, we don’t know.
The idea of karma as a vehicle to deserve a life of peace and serenity always called my attention; it seemed a perfectly natural reward for good behavior. After all, since childhood I was told that being good means getting a reward. However, as years went by and I became savvier about the meaning of existence, I realized that living ethically, and not the rewards of a better life, is what really fills our soul with peace and serenity. Living in the best possible way morally means to understand the meaning of life. But let’s not forget that living ethically is much more complicated than being a charitable and generous person, like most of us are. I believe that the term ethics has more to do with respecting others by seeing in them the soul they carry inside. It means, for instance, not lying to others, asking for forgiveness for having offended them, not making fun of them, not acting in our best interest if it will hurt them, not demeaning others so as to hurt their self-esteem, not censuring what about them we don’t understand, and of course, respecting all life and plants on the planet. When I understood this, I let go of my vision of a better life after death and started concentrating on a vision of a life well lived on this earth.

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