Last Sunday, while I was on the beach with my friend Marisa, I told her that I should be more tolerant of others.

"Who are you referring to? she asked me.

-To those who cut my way in traffic, to those who do not greet others when they enter the elevator, to those who destroy water taps in the park, and to the neighbors who ignore you for being from another country. "

    "Excellent purpose," my friend replied. I hope you’ll make it."

I looked at her doubtfully; at no time did I think I could change my attitude.  It happened that in the evening, when I lowered the blind in my bedroom, the remote control stopped because the battery was discharged. Since I don't like sleeping with the blind completely down, the next day, after walking my dog, I went to the hardware store to buy new batteries. I had a hard time finding those batteries because they are not widely used; but I finally ended up in a store that had them.  I decided to buy two so as not to relive the previous day situation, and I asked for the price. When the clerk replied that they were worth six dollars each and I only had ten dollars, I told her that unfortunately I could only buy one. She looked at me with a smile and said:

"Let's see how I can arrange this sum on the computer so that, with ten dollars, you can buy two batteries."

I looked at her smiling and, as I thanked her for her gesture, I understood that someone was sending me the message that not everything around me is unpleasant.  Needless to say, from now on, accepting things as they are is not going to be as difficult as I thought.




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