Realmente buenos cuentos. El libro logra atraparte. Realidad y un poco de ficción. Super
Really good stories. The book catches you. Reality and a bit of fiction. Super Super

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, it is well written and entertaining, the kind that makes you forget the perils of everyday life and transports you to a world of reality mixed with the magic we can pay attention to or not, but if we do, we can discover infinite messages, wisdom, communicated in the simplest ways. It shows that there is much more than what we experience daily, we just need to look beyond and behind that which meets the eye.
It shows that we just need to look around and within to discover. Excellent!

Realidad y fantasia se entrelazan, van y vienen , como las olas del mar ,a las que la autora hace referencia a menudo. A traves de sus frescos y sentidos relatos nos adentramos e identificamos con su mundo, presente , pasado, tiempo y espacio. Cuentos que nos invitan a recapacitar a traves de su sincero y honesto relato, con su chispa de fantasia y su fe en la ensenanza y oportunidad que nos brinda la vida. Altamente recomendado.

What starts as a good read becomes a voyage into the most meaningful moments of the life of a woman. Each of those moments, each memory, a small jewel preserved with love and fine craft. Rare among writers in Spanish, the language and the style are simple and direct; meant to easily transport the reader in each story and into feelings of she who remembers, chooses, and recounts the tale.

This is a book of intense lyricism the author used a coloquial style with restrain, in spite of which you could experience lots of intense feelings. She deals w life losses, with maternity, with the eternal cycle of life-hope-loss-death and (why not?) revival and rescue and renewed joy.
An excellent book of short but intense vignettes on life s cycle

From the Author

Escribir estos cuentos fue para mí una profunda catársis ya que relatan momentos muy significativos de mi vida. Ojala el lector sepa apreciar el delicado sentimiento que envuelve a cada uno de ellos.


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