A few weeks ago, I dreamed that I had found the skin of a snake on the ground. Snakes change skin because, when they grow, the skin

doesn't, and so they need a new skin. Since I know that dreams are the messengers of important messages, I set out to analyze why I had had such a dream. Given the fact that to me snakes are beautiful animals, having dreamt with one did not disturb me at all; on the contrary, it generated in my mind the idea of life renewal. A few days passed, and suddenly the following thought came to mind: "I want to forget about the past years of my life, forget almost all the people I have met, as well as the loves and the pains that haunted me because I want to be another." In other words, without going to the extreme of changing my name because I love my name, I want to forget almost everything else. With the passing of time, I discovered that remembering is the food of sadness and that, in order to thoroughly enjoy the years I have left, I have to empty my mind as in a case of amnesia. So now I am forgetting. Every time I start remembering something, I immediately erase it with words such as: "What a lovely moon we have tonight." So, gradually, the Marina of before will be transformed into the Marina that stopped regretting the friendships that never were friendships, the dark loneliness of some nights, and the losses that deeply hurt my heart. From now on there will only be pearls on my path.

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