Although I was born a Catholic, I don’t believe in institutionalized religion. I agree with Krishnamurti when he says that “Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, nor through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique.” In other words, each one of us has to create his/her own view of the world and transcendence. A gigantic task, no doubt about it; but as luck would have it, life gives us a hand in this endeavor. In my case I realized that, without the assistance of a guardian angel, some of my life events would have ended very differently.

It was the year 1976. My parents had gone to spend the summer at a house they had built on the Argentine coast. I was in Buenos Aires and had not planned to go anywhere because I had just started a new job. Suddenly, for no reason, I felt the need to go visit my parents; on Friday afternoon I asked my boyfriend to be my copilot. On Saturday morning we left and, after a five hour drive, we arrived to my parent’s house. That evening my father suffered a cardiovascular syncope and the doctor urged us to take him to see his cardiologist in Buenos Aires. So we did, but during his medical consultation my father had another attack and died at the hospital without regaining consciousness. If my guardian angel had not incited me to travel, I would not have seen my father for the last time.

This was in 1976. In 1977 I emigrated to the United States, which I would not have done if my father was still alive. It was in the United States that I built myself the life I had always wanted to have. What transpires from these events and many other events in my life is that when we watch closely beyond the surface, we can uncover an order that goes beyond coincidence and luck.  


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