“Governor DeSantis signed a bill to eliminate permanent alimony in Florida.” USA Today Network, Florida. 7/3/23

There is no doubt that Florida's governor Ron De Santis is trying to curry favor with mostly male voters. He will probably not have the same luck with female voters of a certain age, who preferred to invest their time in responsible parenting instead of becoming CEOs of large companies. I agree that some of those who pay permanent alimony have probably already reached an advanced age and are fed up with pouring money into a lost cause. However, if you belong to the class of human beings who understood that life only has meaning if it is lived ethically and respectfully, there are ways to solve this problem so that both ex-spouses feel good about themselves. Let us not forget that if the spouse who pays alimony refuses to help his/her ex-partner, he/she is unjustly forcing his/her children to take care of an older or retired parent. As in all critical circumstances, I believe this crisis gives us the opportunity to make important life changes. For instance, meeting with our ex-spouse, apologizing, if need be, making peace and trying to redeem what was significant in a marriage that lasted many years will help us reach a fair agreement for both. Regarding the alimony amount, it is not written in stone; there is always the possibility to make it more affordable. 

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