This is a blog for all those who need help overcoming loneliness, isolation and depression. These posts will address the challenges we all go through in our lives.
One of the most vivid memories of my childhood was watching the way my father left his shoes next to his bed: both at the same height and in a perfect combination. I remember that this impeccable synchrony fascinated me, and that is how my love for order was born. Order was always my faithful companion because it helped me never lose my favorite books, my documents or the photos of my first love. Although in my youth order was limited to offering my family an orderly home and always finding what they were looking for, as time went by, I realized the deep meaning of the word order. Order not only provides us with an orderly archive, but also with an economy that protects us from sinister surprises. At work, a tidy desk prevents us from wasting time looking for information we need to finish an urgent project. However, the most important legacy of my love for order actually has to do with existence. It induced me, for instance, to review the years of my life, to identify my mistakes and try to correct them, to look for those whom I had offended and apologize, to let go those who were there only to fill lonely moments, and to remember and tell my son what I wanted him to know about my life. Order means to rescue what is valuable and to let go what is not valuable anymore.
25 de diciembre, 2024
Estoy acá, en mi casa, a solas. Acaba de terminar la Navidad y yo siento que lo que me rodea sabe a Nochebuena, a caminos de arena, a ese ai...
Add caption It was just another Coronavirus Sunday between the solitary walls of my home. Although after several months of isolation I was s...
Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein coined the term projective identification in her work ‘ Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms’ in 1946. We can s...
Last month one of my cousins from Argentina came to spend some time in Miami. The day she arrived she called me to ask me to dinner that s...