When it comes to losses, we are all born equal. There is a very beautiful Buddhist parable that tells the story of a woman who had lost her son. Desperate she went to see the Buddha to ask him to resuscitate her child. The Buddha looked at her and said: “Go to every house in town and ask them if they use mustard to cook their meals. If you find one home that does not use mustard for cooking, bring me your son and I will resuscitate him.” The woman ran back to town and started knocking desperately on every door to ask if mustard was part of their menu. Unfortunately, she was unable to find one single home that did not have mustard in the kitchen. Even more desperate, she went back to the Buddha and through her tears told him about her inability to find a kitchen with no mustard, and the Buddha said to her: In the same way as no kitchen is devoid of mustard, no life is devoid of the pain of loss.” The woman understood the teacher’s words and returned home.


  Describing old age as the age of loneliness has become a common saying in the times in which we live. It is true that our last life stage ...